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My Texas

Journaliste française au Texas depuis septembre 2011, je partage ici mes réflexions sur ce grand Etat, ainsi que mes revues de presse et de web via mes comptes Facebook et Twitter – Cécile Fandos


23/02/2015 Publié depuis Twitter

Among state #GOP, Wisconsin Gov #ScottWalker...

Among state #GOP, Wisconsin Gov #ScottWalker Catches @SenTedCruz from #Texas http://t.co/V4dXoIhGbg #RickPerry...

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19/02/2015 Publié depuis Twitter

What Would #JebBush Do On #Iraq? He Won't Say...

What Would #JebBush Do On #Iraq? He Won't Say http://t.co/89lozIFXQ4 via NPR #Bush #Texas Cécile Fandos (@CecileFandos)...

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15/02/2015 Publié depuis Twitter

For the 12 years a #Bush held national office,...

For the 12 years a #Bush held national office, #JebBush used his access to the #President to help his career http://t.co/9jAbC6FuBo...

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